
أكتشف أسلوب كتابتك -Finding you writing style

Finding you writing style

Simple activities exploring tone and narrative to do in groups or

Just as when we speak we have a style, it’s the same when we write. It sounds much more natural
to simply write a story as you would normally tell it, then the story is in your own voice. This is
especially important when writing about yourself.


Take a subject that everyone can easily contribute to such as:
· What I did between the hours of 7am – 9am this morning
· My journey this morning
My last trip to the supermarket
Ask the students to work together in pairs or small groups, telling their story to one another and then
working together or individually to write the story down. See if everyone can be encouraged to write
at least one paragraph.

Then, get the students to review their work, look for repetitions and see if they can make it better by
changing some of the words. Once they have done this, try the following exercise.
Get your students to ask themselves questions such as the following:

About themselves
How did I feel? Did I have a headache? Was my mouth dry? Did my eyes feel tired? Did my feet
hurt? Was my hair wet? Was I too warm, too cold, etc?
About others
How did others seem to feel? Were the kids quiet or noisy? Did I have to make myself/someone else
a sandwich to take to school or work? Was the bus crowded/late/early? Did the shopping trolley
have a wonky wheel? Did I see/meet anyone I knew?
About the day
What was the weather like? Did it affect my mood? Did it cause me problems?
Explain that by using questions like these they may be able to turn their writing into a more interesting
story. It might be helpful to provide a list of adjectives from which they can select.

What makes a good story?
· Ask your students what they think the ingredients of a good story are and write these up on a
board. Explain that they already know a lot about story telling.
· Draw from their knowledge of stories whether their everyday lives or TV soaps, radio stories,
magazines (real-life or fiction) or newspapers.
· Discuss the things that might put them off from listening to someone else’s story e.g. repetitive
words or phrases or if the story doesn’t flow or the plot doesn’t make sense.
Things to think about
· The story should be personal. Memories, ideas and experiences.
· Its can be a good idea to start a story with an attention grabbing statement or question.
· Have a focus for your story.
· Feelings and emotions are important.
· Remember, a good story can be about anything.

This session can take one hour or be a longer project.
Pen and paper.
None or, if you need to prepare a list of adjectives, 10 minutes

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