
Candlestick Charts

Candlestick Charts

Candlestick charts are the most popularly used charts of all forex charts. Candlesticks offer all the data of bar (OHLC) charts, all in an easy to read and graphical dataset. After learning the basics of candlestick charts, you’ll be able to decipher data faster and make decisions quicker, a valuable skill in the world of forex trading

What are Candlestick Charts

Candlesticks have been in use for centuries, first created as a way to easily see the changes in price of rice on Japan commodity exchanges. The image below will give you a better idea of what candlestick charts are:

candlestick charts, declining, advancing learn

Reading the Candlestick

Colors are used to differentiate between a candlestick that is positive (price going up) and a negative candlestick (price going down). For this tutorial, we have utilized the colors green for advancing candlesticks and red for declining candlesticks, a popular color combination on a plurality of forex trading platforms.

Candlestick Terminology

Candlesticks show all the data of a OHLC bar, but do so in a graphical way and utilize a different terminology. The middle colored portion of the candlestick is called the “real body” or “solid body.” The real body indicates the total realized changed in price of the currency pair during trading. The sticks or “wicks” below the candlestick are called shadows. Just like a bar chart, this is where the price dipped or rose to reach, but did not stay at this price.

Why Candlestick Charts

Why not? Candlestick charts are arguably the best type of chart to use due to the fact that they allow you to easily understand the changes in price of a currency, but also allow you to employ candlestick analysis to decided how to place your trade. Candlestick analysis is a very profitable and easy to learn, and later in the tutorial we’ll teach you everything you need to know about candlestick analysis.

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