
ويندوز 8 به امكانية ضبطه لتنزيله عن طريق usbWindows 8 to feature USB-runnable Portable Workspaces, sales of 16GB thumb drives set to soar

Windows 8 to feature USB-runnable Portable Workspaces, sales of 16GB thumb drives set to soar
There are endless flavors of "Linux on a stick," tasty downloadable versions of that OS which run from removable storage and let you take Linus' progeny for a spin without dedicating any of your partitions to the cause. There have been ways of making this work with Windows, too, but now Microsoft is getting into the game properly. That leaked version of Windows 8 we looked at recently contains a feature called Portable Workspaces, which enables you to take a 16GB (or greater) external storage device and dump a bootable, runnable copy of Win 8 on there. It remains to be seen just how many copies one could create, and whether they ever expire or, indeed, whether they can themselves be copied onto an HDD like a ghost image, but it's easy to see this as a boon for support personnel. Well, support personnel of the future, anyway.

[Thanks, Peter]

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