new facebook updates just now war facebook vs google plus اشتعال الحرب بين جوجل بلس وفيس بوك وها هى اخر تحديثات فيسبوك
1. Bigger and better photo displays. Major shot at Google+. +Thomas Hawk and I were just talking about this on Sunday about how much more we like photos here.
2. A remixing of the news feed to include both top news as well as most recent items. This is huge because it includes the stuff that's been noise filtered, as well as the raw stuff posted by everyone you've friended or subscribed to. Facebook is teaching us all about noise controls. Google doesn't yet have them. Facebook is an innovator here.
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3. There's a new "ticker" which shows you "who is doing something right now." This is a new kind of notification stream and, while noisy for high-flow users like me (almost to the point of uselessness) for average users this will be high value. I believe we'll see more innovation on these notification feeds over the next 18 months.
These are great features for Facebook users and mean that I can communicate more deeply with users there.
In 30 minutes I'll post my analysis of what this means about the battle between Google and Facebook. It sure is another example of how +Mike Elgan was wrong when he said Facebook is the next Yahoo. Facebook is doing both copying and innovation. Real innovation. Google has not yet given us noise controls and THAT will be the story of the next 18 months.
The one with the best noise controls wins.
Read on if you want to see what I think Google should do strategically.
These features will ship to all users over the next week. I'm getting them tonight, will report more on them tomorrow.
More stuff is coming Thursday at F8. I'll be there.
What does this all mean for Google+ strategy?
Easy. Google needs to really do something crazy. Here's what:
Open up all the UIs of the Game of Games AND let third party developers build noise controls.
What are those UIs?
1. App stores. (Google has the best app store, Apple has the cleanest one).
2. Notification streams. (think iOS 5 or Android or the red box in Google+).
3. Activity streams. (think Twitter or Instagram's activity streams, metadata about data).
4. News streams. (think Facebook or Google+'s home feed).
5. Pagination displays. (think Flipboard).
Now, what if Google blew open these "control points" ( +Tim O'Reilly taught me about that) and let third party developers shove things into all of these?
Imagine a team at Rackspace could build a little app to watch your business and servers that could shove information into the notification feeds? "Your server is filling up, it's time to upgrade your capacity." or "your server will be down for the next three minutes for scheduled maintainance, call +++-+++-++++ for more information about how to prepare for these in the future." Or "your server is seeing extreme load, we've temporarily improved your system, but you'll need to talk to your account manager to arrange more permanent upgrades."
Or, imagine your favorite sports team, say the 49ers, could build a little app to shove data into your notification feed? "The 49ers just scored a touchdown." "Your favorite player just
got traded." Etc etc.
On the other side, imagine developers let you build noise filters to remove noise you don't care about. Cat photos, boob photos, are two of the biggest categories of the past few weeks here.
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There's a healthy competition between the great giants Facebook and Google plus. Before its launch there was a great buzz about Google Plus, which kept people anxious and anticipating it. It began with a reach of over 10 million active users, whereas Facebook is an established social networking website with a global reach of over 750 million as of 2011. However, Google has an edge over Facebook because with Google Plus you get other services like Adwords, Adsense, etc. But only time will tell who packs more muscle power!
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