
Device That Shows Your Veins In Bright Green شعاع ليزر لكشف الاورده فالجسم

It’s not exactly the most pleasant experience, and many people are told that their veins are tricky to find. But now, a device that shows a glowing map of your veins could make the whole process a lot easier, and trials of the technology have already begun in Australia.
It may look a little radioactive, but the device is very safe. It works by shining near-infrared light onto your arm, which gets absorbed by the deoxygenated hemoglobin that’s floating around your blood. This creates a glowing green image of your veins that nurses can use to guide where the needle goes in.
جهاز جديد تم صنعه لتسهيل عملية اظهار الاوردة والشرايين والذى يعد طفره فى مجاله لتسهيل الكثير من عمليات التبرع واعطاء العلاج للمرضى

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